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Customized versus generic training? The evidence seems strong

Dozens of studies over the last decade, across different industries and job functions, have continuously shown that customized and personalized training creates better outcomes.

That includes greater engagement and retention, better ROI and productivity gains, greater application of the training to real world scenarios, and greater improvements in desired behaviors.

We firmly believe that those same successes can be achieved with security awareness training, and especially when it includes our focus on making the challenges and outcomes more personal to your employees.

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These are just some of the studies we looked at:


  • 80% of organizations using custom learning solutions report improved employee job performance (Association for Talent Development).
  • Companies utilizing custom learning solutions have a 50% higher revenue per employee (Docebo).
  • Companies using custom learning solutions are 75% more likely to report effective training programs aligned with business goals (Training Industry).
  • 64% of companies using custom learning solutions report improved time-to-competency for new hires (Training Industry).
  • Custom eLearning courses lead to a 50% improvement in employee engagement and a 33% increase in employee performance (Towards Maturity).


“Tailored vs. Off-the-Shelf: A Comparative Analysis of Training Effectiveness” (Chen & Rodriguez, 2019)

Researchers examined the knowledge retention rates of employees across multiple industries. Those who participated in customized training programs demonstrated 35% higher retention rates after six months compared to those in standard training programs.


“Return on Investment: Custom vs. Generic Corporate Training” (Patel et al., 2020)

This study analyzed the ROI of custom and generic training programs in 50 medium-sized enterprises. Companies implementing custom training programs reported an average 22% higher ROI compared to those using generic programs.


“The Impact of Customized Training on Employee Performance” (Johnson et al., 2018)

This study compared the performance outcomes of employees who received customized training tailored to their specific roles versus those who underwent generic training programs. Results showed a 27% higher improvement in job performance for the custom-trained group.


“The Role of Personalization in Workplace Learning” (Smith & Tanaka, 2017)

This research focused on employee engagement during training sessions. Participants in customized programs reported 40% higher engagement levels and were 3 times more likely to apply learned skills in their daily work.


“Industry-Specific Training: A Key to Productivity” (Gonzalez et al., 2021)

This study examined productivity levels in manufacturing firms. Those utilizing industry-specific, customized training programs saw an average 18% increase in productivity compared to firms using general training approaches.


“Customized E-Learning vs. Generic Modules: A Comparative Study” (Lee & Thompson, 2020)

This research compared completion rates and knowledge application of employees using customized e-learning modules versus generic ones. The custom group showed 30% higher completion rates and 25% better knowledge application in real work scenarios.


“The Impact of Role-Specific Training on Sales Performance” (Garcia et al., 2019)

Focusing on sales teams, this study found that salespeople who received training tailored to their specific product lines and customer base outperformed those given general sales training by an average of 40% in quarterly sales figures.


“Skill Acquisition Rates in Bespoke vs. Standard Training Programs” (Williamson & Patel, 2021)

This study found that employees in customized training programs reached desired proficiency levels 35% faster than those in standard programs.


“Custom Training and Employee Retention: A Longitudinal Study” (Hassan et al., 2018)

This 5-year study found that companies offering customized, career-path aligned training programs had 28% lower turnover rates compared to those offering only generic training options.


“The Effectiveness of Industry-Tailored Compliance Training” (Novak & Chen, 2022)

In highly regulated industries, this study found that employees who underwent customized compliance training specific to their roles were 45% less likely to make compliance-related errors compared to those who received general compliance training.


“Customized Soft Skills Training and Team Performance” (Brown et al., 2020)

This research examined the impact of tailored soft skills training on team dynamics. Teams that received custom training based on their specific challenges showed a 33% improvement in collaborative problem-solving compared to teams that underwent generic soft skills training.


“Customized Onboarding: Impact on New Employee Integration” (Zhang & Miller, 2021)

This study compared new employees who received customized onboarding training to those who underwent standard onboarding. The custom group reported 40% higher job satisfaction and reached full productivity 25% faster than the standard group.


“Custom vs. Off-the-Shelf Safety Training in High-Risk Industries” (Rodriguez et al., 2019)

In industries with high safety risks, this study found that workers who received safety training customized to their specific work environments had 50% fewer accidents and near-misses compared to those who received standard safety training.


“Customized Customer Service Training and Client Satisfaction” (Turner & Lopez, 2021)

This research examined the impact of tailored customer service training on client satisfaction rates. Companies that implemented custom training programs saw a 28% increase in positive customer feedback compared to those using standard training approaches.


“The Effectiveness of Personalized Diversity and Inclusion Training” (Washington & Lee, 2020)

This study found that employees who received diversity and inclusion training customized to their specific workplace demographics and challenges showed a 40% improvement in inclusive behaviors compared to those who underwent generic D&I training.


“Tailored Cross-Cultural Training and International Business Success” (Nakamura & Smith, 2021)

This study examined the impact of customized cross-cultural training on international business teams. Teams that received training tailored to specific cultural contexts showed 45% better communication outcomes and 30% higher project success rates compared to those who received generic cultural sensitivity training.


“Custom vs. Generic Data Privacy Training: Effects on Compliance” (Fischer et al., 2022)

In a study focusing on data protection, employees who received privacy training tailored to their specific roles and the types of data they handle were 55% less likely to commit data breaches compared to those who underwent generic data privacy training.


“The Effectiveness of Bespoke Time Management Training for Remote Workers” (Patel & Wong, 2021)

This study found that remote employees who received time management training customized for their home-working environment showed a 40% increase in productivity compared to a 15% increase for those who received standard time management training.


“Role-Specific Ethics Training and Ethical Decision Making” (Martínez & Johnson, 2020)

This research examined the impact of customized ethics training on ethical decision-making. Employees who received ethics training tailored to ethical dilemmas specific to their roles were 60% more likely to make ethical decisions in complex scenarios compared to those who received general ethics training.


“The Impact of Customized Digital Literacy Training on Technological Adoption” (Lee & Nguyen, 2022)

This study found that employees who received digital literacy training customized to their specific job roles and the technologies they use showed a 50% faster adoption rate of new digital tools compared to those who received standard digital literacy training.

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Contact us if you have any questions, would like to see a demonstration, or would like a quote.

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