Opening hours: 8am to 6pm

“Cybercrime and fraud affects millions of Americans every day, and even here in Siloam Springs.

It is costing Americans trillions (and not billions) of dollars every year, and will continue to climb higher, costing more and affecting more people every year. Our best defense in protecting our families, businesses, and nonprofits is through our own education, awareness, and vigilance.

We are grateful for our partnership with John Brown University that allows us to spread awareness and provide this free resource to our citizens about cybersecurity.”

Judy Nation, Mayor, Siloam Springs.



“John Brown University, with the generous partnership of Neal O’Farrell and Secure in Sixty Seconds, is pleased to enable access to security awareness content for the greater Siloam Springs community.

We all collectively represent the most important factor in stopping cybercrime, and greater awareness training plays a key role in equipping us to do just that.”

Paul Nast, Chief Information Officer, John Brown University.